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Bungie Cord Curtains

The other night Mum and I went to the shower block where I made an annoying mistake and heard from an odd person. At the marina we are staying at, the shower cubicles take a dollar coin for a two minute shower, and I accidentally put in a two dollar coin, and waited three minutes for something to happen before I realised that I had in fact just made a mistake. So while I was waiting for something to happen, a man walked in, he checked my cubicle door to see if anyone was in there and I made awkward eye contact with him through the gap in the door. He then asked the most obvious thing ever.

‘Is anyone in there?’

I bit my lip to avoid laughing. Because why else would the door be locked? I felt like saying no, and the person he saw through the door crack was a ghost. Boo! But before I could do that Mum gave the polite response of yes. The more I think about it, the funnier it seems. Lesson learned.

I also made curtains out of an old t-shirt and bungie cords, so anything is possible. There are tons of weird DIYS I have done so I think I’m going to start this off with the easiest.

I needed to get some bungie cords because I didn’t want to be crushed by my guitar when we go sailing. Bungie Cords are quite cheap and I got a six pack for $1.40. I had some left over, so me being me I wanted to see what they’d fit on. Sure enough they fit on the curtain screws in my cabin (cabin: bedroom, you must learn boat speak, while we’re at it, kitchen: galley, bathroom: heads)

I cut some fabric off of an old cardigan and got my needle out, but nope. We didn’t have any thread on the boat, or even a sewing kit. So I walked all the way up to woolies. (I’m being dramatic, it’s about a 15min walk)

They had tons of different sets but I found this really packed set including one of those tomato things you stab with a needle. Why are they tomatoes anyway? I thought; ‘You know what? People will use this! I will buy the deluxe sewing kit!’ When I got back Mum gave me the weirdest look when I called it that. ANYWAY. I cut the fabric in half, put one half over the bungie cords and sewed any remaining fabric so the bungie cord would stay in place. I did the same with the other fabric and BAM, makeshift curtain.

I’m going to make a better one when we get to Sydney. But this is good for now. My cabin is a mess right now, because I haven’t put everything fully away yet. But I can still explain my ‘messiness’.

I’m not messy, just ‘inspired’, if you came into my room and asked me why something I had was there, I would tell you, it’s usually a project I’ve started until I’ve been inspired to do something else, and then inspired again, so before you know it somehow there’s a tennis ball, a battery and a notepad on my bed. That’s another thing, my room is only as big as my bed, so ha, I have an excuse. Everyone is asleep right now, but I can’t because a rope, or a fender (the inflatable thing hanging off the boat so it doesn’t get damaged) is creaking against the boat. Just when its quite, and I think it’s finally shut up… There it goes again. Agh. Goodnight.

An image of me writing this post, just because I felt this post needed more images. So hello.

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