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Comparisons, School and Catch ups

Hello world, and happy 2019! We've been back in Australia about a week now. (I've lost track of the days) I've just been settling in and trying not to melt because of the temperature change. Going from England in Winter to Australia in Summer, isn't too fun.

I have a lot of catching up to do because I spent my time in England having a load of fun; doing a ton of things, meeting amazing people, going to beautiful places and learning many different things.

I've also been keeping a mental comparison of Australia, England and Hong Kong for cultural differences. I was very surprised by some of them.

I have school in three days, which is a whole new adventure for Jacob and I, since we've been homeschooled for the past two years.

But I still want to keep uploading here, what I'm planning on doing is pre-writing a ton of catch-up posts involving England and our travels. I'm going to release a new post every two or three days.

I hope all of your 2019's are going off to a wonderful start and that you have an amazing year ahead of you, thanks for reading!


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