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Preventing the need to Recycle and Sydney Photos!

Here are some of my favourite photos I’ve taken over the last month, these photos didn’t make it onto the blog because I wasn’t sure how to incorporate them into what I was writing about. It’s super interesting to me how we all head out to by the latest version of what we already have. Like what most people do with phones. If your phone still works, why replace it? I hear you all shout; ‘better quality!’ but is it really? The people who have mentioned my photography to me often ask what camera I use. Most people have been surprised that every photo I’ve posted has been taken on an iPhone 4s. Yep. [this goes for my photos, not my Mum’s] If you know how to work what you have, you can become familiar with it and maybe end up doing greater things than if you bought a newer version. I know it sounds degrading hearing a fourteen year old talk about this. But I find it inspiring, our old stuff still works! So instead of going out and spending $1,000 on a phone we’ll just replace in six months. Why not use that money to fund what you love in life? Of course this doesn’t just apply to phones I’m not saying the quality isn’t better in newer models, I’m saying that you can improve your skills to make what you already have, work for you. So yeah… Now that I’m done ranting, I hope you enjoy my photos!

On the 19th of May I would like to say we sailed under the Sydney Harbour bridge, but that would be a lie. We tried to sail under the bridge, but because there were so many ferries, party boats, motor boats, sailing boats and little inflatable boats, as well as the odd kayaker, we had to take down the sails because it was just too busy and having the sails out created a huge blindspot. So we motored under the bridge instead. Don’t get me wrong, it was still awesome.

This was all while we were staying in Sydney. Our visitor arrived that day and it was super fun traveling with Scott up the coast afterwards to Pittwater. Especially when we went to Halletts Bay and Scott was hunting the rocks for Oysters.

The ever famous Bondi beach on a not so busy day.

My favourite part of Bondi is the cool artwork they have on the walls. There are so many interesting things painted on the walls that seperate Bondi from the skate park. It really makes the place so much more beautiful. If you plan on traveling to Bondi, they have one of those outdoor fitness parks, bathrooms and a bus stop which makes it so much easier to travel to if you don’t happen to have a car.

I hope you've enjoyed my photos, and I hope I've inspired you to prevent recycling at all. I'm not here to tell you to do anything, everybody is different and you may not share the same thought process as me, and this is okay. Either way, I hope you enjoyed and please let me know if you want me to share anymore of my wonderings like this.

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